Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Human Integumentary System

The integumentary system is the organ that protects, cushions, maintains homeostasis, gets rid of waste, and provides a nerve system to detect pain, pressure, etc.In human skin, there are three layers. In order from the superficial to deep layers, there is the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissues.

The Epidermis is the closest to the outside world. This layer's function is to protect the other two layers, perform homeostasis (for example, sweating to cool down), and absorb nutrients like Vitamin D from the sun. A sunburn, is a 1st degree burn, for it has damaged the first layer of skin.

The Dermis is made up of nerves and blood vessels. Holding vital organs like sweat glands, lymphatic vessels, and blood vessels. This is also where the bases of hair, or feathers are. This layer of skin also cushions the body from stress and or strains.

The deepest layer of skin, Subcutaneous tissues is made up of fats, blood and lymph vessels leading to the Dermis. This layer also serves a purpose in homeostasis, like providing an insulation for body heat.

Advantages of having this type of skin include elasticity, it is self- healing, and it is a source of sensory nerves to the brain to detect heat, pain, etc. Disadvantages include being irritated easily, and worse case scenario, an injury so serious, it will permanently damage the layers, depending how bad the injury.

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