Monday, May 20, 2013


Biochemistry, including the DNA and RNA structures, atoms and molecules, cell organelles, carbohydrates, lipids, etc.

DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid. A double stranded helix, made of sugar, phosphate,and nitrogen bases.  using the codes, G,C,T,A. located in a cell's nucleus, these microscopic components determine your gender, your eye color, your body structures, everything. Your "blueprint" for your body. All neatly coiled up into an "x" shape, Chromosomes.

RNA- Ribonucleic acid. A single stranded Phosphate strand,
reading in Codons (group of 3 nucleotides), there are 3 forms, mRNA, a messenger, due to the fact of DNA being too large to leave the nucleus. tRNA assists the mRNA into the ribosomes to create protiens. Finally,the RNAi, the job is to take and remove all of the pieces that it does not recognize, and disposes of it. The RNAi has helped to remove all of the bad stuff.

Atoms and Molecules- Atoms is a nucleus, surrounded with electrons, neutrons, or protons. Neurons, being neutral. Protons, having a positive charge, and Electrons, having a negative charge. Molecules are a group of atoms, held together with covalent bonds. Molecules make up everything.

Cell Organelles- Eukaryotic Cells consist of a nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, rough and smooth ER, golgi body, cell membrane, mitochondria, and a cell wall. Prokaryotic Cells are much more simple. Inside, they have a nucleus, a membrane, a cell wall, and ribosomes.

Homeostasis- This is the body's function that keeps you alive. For example, if you are too hot, your body sends signals to sweat. making you cool down. Vise Versa, Cold will make your body shiver to regulate body temperature.

Enzymes- Very picky "factories" that only take certain "customers" or substrates. These usually separate (catabolic), or join together two substrates(anabolic), to create a product. Some times, changing it's environment will denature the enzyme.

Lipids- "Phospholipid bilayer" having a hydrophilic head, and hydrophobic tails. Making up all of the cell membranes, allowing some stuff to come in, and some stuff out. (Semi-permable)

Carbohydrates- made of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, these molecules are usually referred to as "sugars" or "glucose" Glucose being a monosacciride, Starch being a polysaccharide.

Proteins- Are the basic building blocks for your body's enzymes, made of multiple amino acids, put together. Created from Ribosomes, and replace all of your body's dead cells.


  1. Diangelo,

    You've got great information here, but remember the whole point is to talk about the organisms. Here's a suggestion: start with the integumentary system in general; how does it help maintain homeostasis? How does it relate to diffusion/osmosis? What organic compounds are you dealing with? And discuss each integumentary system in detail, rather than listing the vocab. words.

    Good luck!

  2. This is looking better. . .you might want a section where you talk about the function of each system (why do we have a digestive system? a circulatory system?).

    Rat? Frog? Rest of the systems? You've still got some work to do buddy, but you're getting there!

    Let me know when you need more feedback!
