Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Earthworm.

Phylum: Annelids


The earthworm's integumentary system is similar to Human's respiratory system. It uses diffusion/osmosis to rid of carbon dioxide, and take in oxygen.

Texture : The earthworm's texture is always moist with mucus. this mucus assists with diffusion, as well as movement. Deep into the skin, there are "bristles" called Setae, giving the worm a "sticky" texture. Setae also anchor the worm's body to assist in movement.


Muscles : The Earthworm had both circular and longitudinal muscles. These muscles contract, and expand. The "expanding" movement, is caused by it's circular muscles on each segment, relaxing. making the worm thin and long. To make the worm contract and become shorter, is the second layer of muscle located from the head to tail, is underneath the circular muscles. This muscle pulls itself together, making the worm short and stiff.

Movement : This organism constantly contracts and expands to move around. On each segment, tiny bristles "Setae" help hold it down to assist in movement. Synchronizing the contractions, average worms can move up to 185 feet per hour.


This organism consumes soil. Bacteria is located in the soil, therefore making it a variety of decomposed organisms/items. The Earthworm will consume soil, and release "Castings". Castings are full of nutrients that plants may use. Making Earthworms a farmer's best friend, and a vital organism to have in a food chain. (For predators like birds may consume these organisms.

Earthworms have a full digestive system. They have a mouth to eat, a pharynx and esophagus to transport the soil toward the crop. The esophagus contains calciferous glands to help break down the food. It is stored into the crop, awaiting the gizzard. The gizzard will also break down nutrients then transport them into the intestines. The intestines release fluids to assist with digestion. (This explains why our Worm was filled with dirt. For I had accidentally made an incision into the intestine while opening the Integumentary system.) Attached to the intestine are blood vessels. This way the nutrients are transported to where they are needed.


The Earthworm does not have specific respiratory organs. Instead, it uses diffusion to take in oxygen, and get rid of carbon dioxide. This is also one of the reasons why this organism has to be constantly moist. (Ever wonder why there are dried earthworms on the pavement?) This is also why they live underground to prevent drying out. Studies have shown that Earthworms usually come out during the evening, because it is much cooler.


Having a closed circulatory system, blood is constantly circulating. This organism has three major vessels. There is the Aortic Arches (Hearts) located in the top mid section near the head. The Dorsal Blood Vessels located on the dorsal/top side. The Ventral Blood Vessels are located on the underside/ventral side of the worm. The Ventral vessels are to transport blood to the back of the Earthworm's body, whereas Dorsal vessels are to transport blood to the front of the body. These vessels supply blood to organs.

Advantages: Being a decomposer, this organism is much needed for an environment. Built for underground living, it's mucus covering allows for easier movement, and it feeds on dirt! Therefore, i don't think it struggles to find food. This mucus covered, skeleton-lacking annelid can squeeze into many places where organisms that have a skeleton, cannot fit.

Disadvantages:  Lacking a skeletal system, this organism may find trouble when it comes to lifting heavy objects. It is also a disadvantage because it may be easier to kill, since there is no skeleton to support. It must always stay moist, because if it dries out, the earthworm cannot use diffusion to breathe.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Worm Dissection 05.21.13

In this photo, you can locate: (From top down.)
Mouth - Brain - Pharynx - Esophagus - Seminal Vesicles - Heart - Crop - Gizzard - Intestine - Dirt -

The Human Integumentary System

The integumentary system is the organ that protects, cushions, maintains homeostasis, gets rid of waste, and provides a nerve system to detect pain, pressure, etc.In human skin, there are three layers. In order from the superficial to deep layers, there is the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissues.

The Epidermis is the closest to the outside world. This layer's function is to protect the other two layers, perform homeostasis (for example, sweating to cool down), and absorb nutrients like Vitamin D from the sun. A sunburn, is a 1st degree burn, for it has damaged the first layer of skin.

The Dermis is made up of nerves and blood vessels. Holding vital organs like sweat glands, lymphatic vessels, and blood vessels. This is also where the bases of hair, or feathers are. This layer of skin also cushions the body from stress and or strains.

The deepest layer of skin, Subcutaneous tissues is made up of fats, blood and lymph vessels leading to the Dermis. This layer also serves a purpose in homeostasis, like providing an insulation for body heat.

Advantages of having this type of skin include elasticity, it is self- healing, and it is a source of sensory nerves to the brain to detect heat, pain, etc. Disadvantages include being irritated easily, and worse case scenario, an injury so serious, it will permanently damage the layers, depending how bad the injury.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Biochemistry, including the DNA and RNA structures, atoms and molecules, cell organelles, carbohydrates, lipids, etc.

DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid. A double stranded helix, made of sugar, phosphate,and nitrogen bases.  using the codes, G,C,T,A. located in a cell's nucleus, these microscopic components determine your gender, your eye color, your body structures, everything. Your "blueprint" for your body. All neatly coiled up into an "x" shape, Chromosomes.

RNA- Ribonucleic acid. A single stranded Phosphate strand,
reading in Codons (group of 3 nucleotides), there are 3 forms, mRNA, a messenger, due to the fact of DNA being too large to leave the nucleus. tRNA assists the mRNA into the ribosomes to create protiens. Finally,the RNAi, the job is to take and remove all of the pieces that it does not recognize, and disposes of it. The RNAi has helped to remove all of the bad stuff.

Atoms and Molecules- Atoms is a nucleus, surrounded with electrons, neutrons, or protons. Neurons, being neutral. Protons, having a positive charge, and Electrons, having a negative charge. Molecules are a group of atoms, held together with covalent bonds. Molecules make up everything.

Cell Organelles- Eukaryotic Cells consist of a nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosomes, rough and smooth ER, golgi body, cell membrane, mitochondria, and a cell wall. Prokaryotic Cells are much more simple. Inside, they have a nucleus, a membrane, a cell wall, and ribosomes.

Homeostasis- This is the body's function that keeps you alive. For example, if you are too hot, your body sends signals to sweat. making you cool down. Vise Versa, Cold will make your body shiver to regulate body temperature.

Enzymes- Very picky "factories" that only take certain "customers" or substrates. These usually separate (catabolic), or join together two substrates(anabolic), to create a product. Some times, changing it's environment will denature the enzyme.

Lipids- "Phospholipid bilayer" having a hydrophilic head, and hydrophobic tails. Making up all of the cell membranes, allowing some stuff to come in, and some stuff out. (Semi-permable)

Carbohydrates- made of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, these molecules are usually referred to as "sugars" or "glucose" Glucose being a monosacciride, Starch being a polysaccharide.

Proteins- Are the basic building blocks for your body's enzymes, made of multiple amino acids, put together. Created from Ribosomes, and replace all of your body's dead cells.